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I Hate Twitter.

Social media has become as just important in our lives as food, water and shelter. I have followed the evolution of social media from Blackplanet and MySpace to the more commonly known Facebooks, YouTubes, and Twitters of the world. Social media play a huge role in communicating thoughts, ideas, or just simply sharing information. I would say I am an average users of the top social media outlets. Yes I have a Facebook and I have a YouTube channel both of which I love dearly, as I able to communicate with those deemed worthy enough to be my friends and publicly display various attributes about myself to the world – “make my page private” – now only my friends. As much as I love social media I loath one particular social media outlet called Twitter. Rather than type a long list of my reasons on dislike Twitter provide below are various bloggers negative thoughts on Twitter of which I support.

Why I may not blame Justin Bieber for my hatred of Twitter. My top five reasons are as follows:

  • Twitter Wars– Really Grow Up!
  • Hash tags #
  • Re-tweets
  • The limitation for 140 characters
  • And the fact the its just an over glorified SMS “text message”

Plus I really have ill feelings towards that little blue bird. I can not disagree with the fact that twitter is an excellent way to a large amount of information to numerous people quickly.